An Angel or Premonition

Most workplace accident investigations look for cause and effect, and will normally find a human responsible, making the accident preventable. Though insurance companies do list “act of God” as a reason for lack of coverage, it is not due to any religious belief in God, but a simple admission of a natural event beyond the reasonable control of a party. A New Jersey (USA) toll booth worker called out of work due to a “gut feeling” something bad was going to happen. Two disturbing dreams awoke her, so she called out. Only hours later did a garbage truck crash into the collection booth, in which she normally would be working, seriously injuring the driver and toll collector. Whether it was an angel or premonition, she had recently been drawing closer to God. “Are they [angels] not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation?” (Hebrews 1:14 KJV). We need to pay closer attention to God and His Unseen Realm, for it is He “with whom we have to do” (4:13). LORD, help us to draw near to You, for then we know You draw nearer to us. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.