Convicting Power of the Holy Spirit

How can you tell if the Holy Spirit is present? God the Holy Spirit is everywhere, but the convicting power of the Holy Spirit upon anyone who hears the Truth is a special evidence of His presence. “He will reprove [Greek, elegchō, to convict, to prove one in the wrong and thus to shame them] the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment” (John 16:7-8 KJV). When we sense ourselves or someone else becoming uncomfortable about the Truth presented, then the Holy Spirit is reproving exactly as Jesus promised. When we hear someone presenting the Truth, and we hope they don’t mean it applies to us, or we need to do something, then the Holy Spirit is effectively working. In the Courts of Heaven, some may call it An Uncomfortable Truth. Father, instead of embarrassment about the effect of truth upon the world, give us the courage and humility to work with Your Spirit to guide and harvest the results of Your convicting presence. In Jesus’ name, amen.