Daze of Deception

UFOs are lying wonders. Recently, I ran across this series of YouTube videos (3 hours), “Daze of Deception: Part 1,” “Daze of Deception: Part 2,” and “Daze of Deception: Part 3” from Jack Hibbs of Calvary Chapel (Chino Hills, CA). We must be getting pretty far along into the Last Days for us to be discussing this stuff out loud in Bible preaching churches. My wife and I used to identify the phenomenon of UFOs as “lying wonders” (2Thesssalonians 2:9 KJV). In context, the “lawless one” (2:9 NIV) refers to the Antichrist, which Jack Hibbs identifies as Nephilim. This is Twilight Zone stuff that respectable evangelical pastors know better than to discuss from their pulpits. I wonder how many have much of an idea how to biblically discuss UFOs and UAPs? Without knowing about Jack Hibbs, I commented on this in earlier posts. (1), (2), (3), and (4).

If NASA really makes an announcement about UAPs before the end of 2023, I wonder how they’ll get around an admission of ET being from another dimension, undefined by our current understanding of the laws of physics? “NASA has not found any credible evidence of extraterrestrial life and there is no evidence that UAPs are extraterrestrial.” Even the Roman Pontiff would be willing to baptize aliens, if they felt they needed it. If Jesus was just another alien, then there is nothing special about the Bible, and it would be unnecessary “to contend for the faith that was once for all entrusted to God’s holy people” (Jude 1:3 NIV). All the wildfires, floods, hurricanes, earthquakes, wars (Ukraine), and rumors of wars (China, North Korea) are falling into place with Matthew 24. “When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near” (Luke 21:28 NIV). 

The Bible is our only credible explanation of what is going on. This will shake out the wheat from the chaff. “When the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth?” (Luke 18:8 NIV).
